Yearly Archives: 2017

54 posts

USS Cole damage

AORs in the Age of Distributed Lethality

30 March 2017. An article written by Christopher Cedros, a surface warfare office with the US Navy, sparked my earlier comment on repair containers and mexeflotes. The article is “Distributed […]


Mexeflote for Interim AOR – and Elsewhere

22 March 2017. “Mexeflote for Interim AOR” was the title of an article posted on Broadsides last September. The article proposed the interim AOR be equipped with a mexeflote-powered raft […]

USN ship

Expansion of US Navy

22 March 2017. President Donald Trump has stated that he wants to increase the size of the US military and has called for a major increase of the US Navy. […]

PLAN sub

The South China Sea Situation

China opposes U.S. naval patrols in South China Sea China said on Tuesday it opposed action by other countries under the pretext of freedom of navigation that undermined its sovereignty […]
