CDA Institute Analysis on Canada’s Future Submarine Capability

By David Dunlop, 24 July 2023

CDA Institute has developed a "Force Deployment Series" a second roundtable by SMEs national discussion on defence policy with regard to sustaining Canada's Future Submarine Capability. Topics covered during the event included the operational and strategic value of submarines to the Royal Canadian Navy in a changing security environment, high-level requirements and caveats for the Victoria-class replacement, Canadian procurement timelines contrasted with the Victoria-class lifespan, the Canadian political environment in the era of a National Shipbuilding Strategy, and the implications of potential submarine designers/builders’ offerings and challenges. This CDA report summarizes the discussions held during the event, providing a comprehensive overview of the key points made by the invited experts. The report aims to promote better understanding and informed debate about the challenges associated with sustaining this critical capability for Canadians. This report included: 1) Introduction/Executive Summary; 2) Points of Consensus/ Contention; 3) The Case for Submarines including; Value of Submarines for Canada-International Security Environment; Obstacles; Strategic Requirements; Design Considerations and Conclusions. Although most SMEs looked at future AIP/LIB SSK considerations, it was interesting that the SSN option was not fully dismissed. An interesting read in PDF format. See below:


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