Broadsides Discussion Forum

987 posts

The Invisible Phenomenon of Child Piracy

In March 2011, Indian naval forces operating in the Arabian Sea captured the Mozambique-flagged fishing vessel Vega 5. Somali pirates had kidnapped the trawler’s original crew several months earlier.  They […]


Child Soldiers Initiative releases report on Piracy

The Child Soldiers Initiative, directed by Dr. Shelly Whitman at Dalhousie University, has released a groundbreaking report entitled Children and Youth in Marine Piracy: Causes, Consequences and the Way Forward.  […]


China ‘hawks’ ratchet up the rhetoric

David Lague published an article on 17 January with Reuter’s entitled, “China’s military hawks take the offensive.” Lague notes “the increasingly hawkish rhetoric coming from senior officers in the People’s […]


The dire threat of the Leslie Report to the navy

Retired Lieutenant-General Andrew Leslie was on CBC radio’s The House on Saturday to speak about his view of problems with increased spending on ‘corporate services’ and ‘institutional overhead’.  You can […]


Irving Shipbuilding parts ways with Steve Durrell

A very brief and terse news article from CBC News has revealed that President Steve Durrell has left Irving Shipbuilding.  This development is prompting great speculation about the internal stresses […]


The Oceans: Our New ‘Wild West’

[Moderator’s Note:  This article was published previously in the Halifax ChronicleHerald. It is reprinted here with the permission of the author.] Vice-Admiral Dean McFadden, retired commander of the Royal Canadian […]


Expeditionary Operations: Is Syria next?

Word is reaching me that two Canadian infantry battalions, 3rd Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry Regiment and 3rd Royal Canadian Regiment, have received ‘warning orders’ to prepare for operations and possible […]


Lawson not a guarantee for F-35 selection

After the initial flurry of comments following the appointment of Lieutenant-General Thomas Lawson as Chief of Defence Staff, some more measured observations about the duties and responsibilities of the position […]


Canadian Forces preparing for uncertain future*

*Moderator’s Note: This article originally appeared in the Halifax Chronicle Herald on 07 January 2012.  It is reprinted here with the permission of the author. There are Canadians who delight […]


Who do we believe?

There is an article in the press that suggest completely different views on when the first operational H-92 ‘Cyclone’ helicopter (CH-148 in Canadian military terms) will be delivered to the […]


“Canadian Drones” by Denis Stairs*

*Moderator’s Note: This article appeared originally under the same title in The Ottawa Citizen on 17 May 2012. It is reprinted here with the kind permission of both the author, The Ottawa […]
