Broadsides Discussion Forum

987 posts

Points of comparison for Canada from Australia

I recently came across the Australian Strategic Policy Institute [ASPI] Special Report Issue 31, dated 31 May 2010 and entitled Naval gazing: The future of Australia’s naval shipbuilding and repair […]


Somali pirates’ eastward expansion by Ben West*

*Moderator’s Note: An article entitled was released on 6 December by Strategic Forecasts [STRATFOR].  STRATFOR analyst Ben West examines the reasons why Somali pirates have increasingly looked to the Indian […]


“PRC, Please Build Carriers” by Colin Clark*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published on the Strategic Forecasts (STRAFOR) forum on 5 November 2010.  It is reprinted here with the author’s permission. Colin Clark is editor of […]


What will become of the naval reserve?

At the Maritime Security Conference this past June, Commodore Mark Norman, then the Atlantic Fleet Commander, gave a very candid dinner address on his views about the future of the […]


RFA Bay-class landing ships worth considering

Two recently posted articles ask if Canada should purchase a surplus Bay-class Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliary) from the UK. The 2010 UK Strategic and Defence Review could result in one […]


“To Calm Korean Waters” by Leon V. Sigal

My thanks to CFPS Research Fellow Dr. Stan Weeks for bringing this article to my attention. Leon V. Sigal, Director of the Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project at the Social […]


The Cheonan Incident

 As the accusations mount and the rhetoric from both sides increases following the sinking of the South Korean Pohang-class corvette ROKS Cheonan (PCC-772), two key documents have been released by […]
