Broadsides Discussion Forum

987 posts

John Arquilla and “The Coming Swarm”

Professor John Arquilla, who teaches in the special operations program at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey, California, and who is the author of “Worst Enemy: The Reluctant Transformation […]


The admirals take the reins

Secretary of Defence Robert Gates announced his nominations for some of the top command positions in the U.S. military on Wednesday.  His recommendations indicate that he is pleased with the […]


Investing in our ocean infrastructure

I am pleased to see such a lively and informed discussion on Shipbuilding in Canada. As our government considers the many different paths available for stimulating the economy, I am […]


Further Thoughts on Requirements

The recent comments by Denis Stairs and Eric Lerhe on my initial offering on the future requirements for a new Canadian shipbuilding initiative made me realize that we were all […]


An interesting press release from the US HQ in Bahrain

See: “New Counter-Piracy Task Force Established.” There are several interesting components to this. The first is organizational: “Some navies in our coalition did not have the authority to conduct counter-piracy […]


A teamwork approach will be most productive

Peter Haydon has provided strong arguments for shipbuilding to be a large part of the government’s infrastructure package.  President Roosevelt’s 1932 shipbuilding initiative indeed provided jobs, stimulated the economy, and […]


The final consequences of failure.

A report in The Australian published on 8 December describes ‘a purge’ of the Royal Navy’s senior leadership over the embarrassment caused by the ‘fiasco’ when 15 sailors and marines […]


Daily developments – more complications

Yesterday, the New York Times carried a report that the United States will place a proposal before the UN Security Council that could authorize attacks on pirate bases in Somalia […]

NBP training

How will Canada respond to new developments?

The spectacular increase in number and importance of the ships seized by Somali pirates now rates many daily commentaries in the press.  Such increased attention paid to their actions and […]

Frigate in Arctic

This is no time to hesitate – Act!

If we keep on dithering with Arctic Ocean policy, it will be the ‘Arctic Desert’ before the academics, politicians, military and bureaucrats get anything done – and by then it […]


Our navy, Our country

The fall out of the recent federal election, amidst the worldwide economic swirl, opens an opportunity for the Canadian government to invest in Canadian jobs and Canadian technology through Canada’s […]
