Canadian Shipbuilding

136 posts

Robo ship USV

Robo Navy?

Dan Middlemiss, 19 July 2020. Will the Canadian Navy ride the robotic wave of the future? Maybe the future has already arrived. The United States Navy (USN) recently awarded a […]

CSC cost post

Bucking the Trend?

Procrustes, 15 July 2020. Is Ottawa going against an international cost-reduction trend in putting all its surface warship eggs in a one, large, expensive Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) design basket? […]


Procuring Naval Ships in Canada

It is usually a long process to procure new warships for the Royal Canadian Navy. Warships are both complex and expensive, so there are legitimate concerns about efficient use of […]

AOPS sea trials

Building Navy Ships in Canada

The National Shipbuilding (Procurement) Strategy (NSS) to build ships for the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard was announced in 2010. That’s 10 years ago. So where are […]


The Curious Case of Alion

Procrustes, 30 May 2020. Here is a brief background of the Alion complaint. Alion was one of the 12 pre-qualified Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) bidders, and one of the three […]

MV Asterix - Wikipedia

Canada’s Big Honking Ship

Trevor Wekel, 30 May 2020. As a proud Canadian, I am saddened by the state of our Canadian Navy and Canadian Coast Guard. Years of neglect have led to difficult […]

Why CAN needs navy

Why does Canada Need a Navy?

If you don’t live near an ocean – and most Canadians don’t – you could live your whole life without ever seeing a warship. So why, you may ask yourself, […]


Getting Procurement Right

There has been much talk over the years about problems in the process of procuring military assets. Procuring ships for the navy, in particular, receives attention because of the size […]


The Canadian Shipbuilding Gap

7 November 2018. The recent announcement by the Minister of National Defence in Halifax Shipyards that a sixth Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) would be built and the welcome news […]

Old ship img

A Story about New Warships

There once was a small country surrounded by large powerful nations that had large powerful navies. This country had limited funds and could not afford to build nearly as many […]


National Shipbuilding Strategy Refresh?

17 August 2018. There has been some rustling and flapping lately about the National Shipbuilding Strategy. A memorandum dated 23 January 2018 to the Deputy Minister of Finance, obtained by […]

FRE in dock

Shipbuilding: Misery Loves Company?

21 June 2018. After a lull in shipbuilding over the past 20 years, many countries are now beefing up their naval fleets. Canada is in the process of recapitalizing both […]
