China’s Maritime Power

33 posts

Chinese Military Growth

Military power is a difficult subject, especially when it comes to discussing the potential power of other countries. China has made news over the past few years for their rapidly […]


China ‘hawks’ ratchet up the rhetoric

David Lague published an article on 17 January with Reuter’s entitled, “China’s military hawks take the offensive.” Lague notes “the increasingly hawkish rhetoric coming from senior officers in the People’s […]


“PRC, Please Build Carriers” by Colin Clark*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published on the Strategic Forecasts (STRAFOR) forum on 5 November 2010.  It is reprinted here with the author’s permission. Colin Clark is editor of […]


China, the Unites States, and the UNCLOS Treaty

Mark J. Valencia, a maritime policy analyst based in Kaneohe, Hawaii, has written an important essay that has been published on-line by “Nautilus,” the forum of the Northeast Asia Peace […]


The Rise and Fall of Navies

Paul Kennedy’s article, “To Rule the Waves: the Rise and Fall of Navies,” is asking all the right questions with regard to the West’s curious shortsightedness in not adequately funding […]
