Defence Procurement

98 posts

The Curious Case of Alion

Procrustes, 30 May 2020. Here is a brief background of the Alion complaint. Alion was one of the 12 pre-qualified Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) bidders, and one of the three […]

Zodiac RHIB

Contract awarded for multi-role boats

On 21 March 2020, Canada awarded a contract to Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Ltd for the design and construction of 30 multi-role boats for Canada’s Halifax-Class Frigates. This award directly supports […]

CBC - ISI dockyard

The NSS and Covid-19

Procrustes, 16 May 2020 As Canada contemplates some gradual easing of the many regulations imposed on virtually every sector of the national economy, economists and other public policy experts are […]


Cybersecurity in defence procurement

Moderator, 8 March 2020. The United States is trying to address the cybersecurity shortcomings in its defence procurement. It’s concerning not only U.S. Department of Defense [], but also defence […]


Politics, Budgets and Naval Procurement

Moderator. 2 January 2020. Canada is no stranger to the politics of naval procurement. We have all wondered about a procurement decision. Naval projects usually involve huge sums of money […]


New Opportunity to Address Procurement Problems

There has been a lot of discussion in the past month about procurement. The re-elected, but now minority, Liberals have proposed creating Defence Procurement Canada – i.e., to channel major […]


Getting Procurement Right

There has been much talk over the years about problems in the process of procuring military assets. Procuring ships for the navy, in particular, receives attention because of the size […]

PBO post

Are the CSC Type 26 Costs Growing?

The latest Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) report, “The Cost of Canada’s Surface Combatants: 2019 Update,” issued on 21 June 2019, has revised the latest cost for the Canadian Surface Combatant […]

Global Affairs

Budget Fluctuations and Military Capability

An interesting study was just published by Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) by Ross Fetterly. Governments are always tempted to slice bits off various departmental budgets to cut costs. But, […]


Politicized Procurement?

22 November 2018. Moderator. Canada is in the midst of recapitalizing the fleets of both the Royal Canadian Naval and the Canadian Coast Guard. As well, it is (theoretically) procuring […]

Old ship img

A Story about New Warships

There once was a small country surrounded by large powerful nations that had large powerful navies. This country had limited funds and could not afford to build nearly as many […]


National Shipbuilding Strategy Refresh?

17 August 2018. There has been some rustling and flapping lately about the National Shipbuilding Strategy. A memorandum dated 23 January 2018 to the Deputy Minister of Finance, obtained by […]


Defence Spending after NATO Summit

13 July. David Dunlop. Now that the 2018 NATO Summit has apparently passed a referendum to have all NATO countries contribute as a minimum at least 2% GDP to defence, […]


Future Submarines for Canada

The National Shipbuilding Strategy does not include submarines but if Canada is to retain a submarine capability, it will soon have to start thinking about replacing the Victoria-class submarines. DND […]


Minister of National Defence and Boeing

At a speech at CANSEC in Ottawa on 31 May, MND Harjit Sajjan called for Boeing to withdraw its trade complaint against Bombardier. He also noted that the Canadian government […]
