Defence Procurement

98 posts

HMCS Chicoutimi

Four submarines and a funeral*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published in Defence and Technology India, Vol. 30, No. 3 (December, 2007): 14-16. It is reprinted here with the permission of the author. Prof. […]

Sikorsky Cyclone

Finally, here they come!

There are now two new Sikorsky CH-148 ‘Cyclone’ maritime helicopters at Shearwater.  (You can read more about the Maritime Helicopter Project here.) The first arrived in May and a number […]


Making the candidates ‘speak on the issues’

Unfortunately it’s like preaching to the choir, but I agree with Eric Lerhe that this dialogue need to be publicized, ‘blogged’ or whatever else works to get some debate going […]


Realistic thinking needed from all sides

I was squarely in Eric Lerhe’s court until his last paragraph. I am not as convinced as him that all the hoped for procurements outlined in the current government’s policy – whether […]


Finding the right balance is key

I agree with much of Ken Hansen’s analysis.  While we have indeed done badly at maintaining leading edge capabilities after purchase (note, however, exceptions of Halifax-class, CP-140, and CF-18 mid-life […]


The F-35 tender and related maritime projects

The question of cost factors over the F35 purchase were swirling before the election, but the connection between that project and the National Ship Procurement Strategy (NSPS) was not made […]


An appetite suppressant for procurement?

Today’s article by David Pugiliese suggests concerns about sole sourcing may have resulted in a scuppering of plans to fast track a $500M purchase of General Atomics’ MQ-1 ‘Predator’ drones. […]
