Broadsides Discussion Forum

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CAN Coast Guard ship

New Attention to Canadian Coast Guard

Among other things, the new government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that it will place emphasis on renewing the Canadian Coast Guard fleet. See the CBC news article here:


Input Costs Down, Number of Ships Up?

There has been much written about how defence inflation has eroded the budget allocated to the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy (NSPS).1 As time passes, the argument goes, the NSPS budget […]


Another Commentary to “Rough Seas Ahead”

I am at a loss to explain Mr. Hansen’s logic, and not General Leslie’s in his letter to the Chronicle Herald (Leslie’s Logic Alarming, 31 October), and in his 27 […]

ISI gates Hfx

Private naval dockyards fleet-footed

* Moderator’s note: Originally published through the Chronicle Herald. “Your Oct. 22 article, “Rumoured top pick for Defence Minister could be bad news for Halifax,” references Irving Shipbuilding and we […]


Athabaskan Engine Problems (Again)

Reports on the engine failure in HMCS Athabaskan are missing some important aspects of the problems this ancient warship is facing. One of the two cruise turbines failed, leaving one […]

Asterix at Davie Shipyard

More information on Project Resolve

Jon Rosamond, writing for IHS Jane’s Navy International, has an article entitled “Canada turns to Asterix for stop gap at-sea support.” The article was published on 04 October 2015. Rosamond […]


Old Parts and New Ships

It is reasonable that the Department of National Defence1 (DND) is considering (conducting a “staff check,” to use military language as also used by an interviewee in a television report […]


The Sinking of Llandovery Castle

CNR, Vol. 11, No. 2 (2015) Abstract The growth of digital archives offers contemporary scholars a new source of original materials, and Demers uses these materials to examine an incident […]

Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 2015

Enhancing Maritime Law Enforcement in the Pacific

CNR, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2015) Abstract Both maritime cooperation and security in the seas of the Asia-Pacific region can be improved by enhancing cooperation mechanisms for Coast Guard-type maritime […]
