Broadsides Discussion Forum

977 posts

Whose ‘Sacred Cows’ are these?

An article in the January 2012 issue of Proceedings by Senior Chief Jim Murphy, USN (ret.), proposes an interesting approach to meeting budgetary cuts that will inevitably need to be […]


Narrowing the field

Word is reaching me that the number of designs under consideration for the AOR-JSS ship is down to only one.  Apparently, the Spanish have been told that their Cantabria-class AOR […]

HMCS Chicoutimi

Four submarines and a funeral*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published in Defence and Technology India, Vol. 30, No. 3 (December, 2007): 14-16. It is reprinted here with the permission of the author. Prof. […]


Is Canada an Arctic Nation or a Maritime Nation?

It was probably some speechwriter in Ottawa who fed his political master the catchy phrase for describing Canada as a country ‘from coast, to coast, to coast’. The introduction of […]

F class sub

What if Libya had submarines?

The Libyan Navy’s primary mission was to defend the coast of the country. To accomplish this mission is was equipped with: 2 Koni-class missile frigates; 2 Nanuchka-class missile corvettes; 9 […]


The Sea King attrition saga*

* Moderator’s Note: This is an excerpt of an article originally published in Airforce Magazine, (Winter, 2008): 11 – 16. It is reprinted here with the permission of the publisher.  […]


Lord Nelson and amateur tacticians*

* Moderator’s Note: This post appeared originally in the Letters to the Editor section of The Washington Times on 30 March 2007. It is no longer available on-line. A large […]


To group or not to group?*

*Moderator’s Note: Portions of this article appeared originally as “The History and Theory of Naval Effects-Based Operations” in Effects-Based Approaches to Operations: Canadian Perspectives, Alan English and Howard Coombs, eds., […]


Celebration, Commitment & Commemoration*

* Moderator’s Note: This article was original published in The Nova Scotian on 13 November 2011. Nova Scotians and Atlantic Canadians have reason to be proud and to celebrate the […]


A new factor in the defence funding equation

The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) has issued a new report, entitled “Paying the Price: The Economic Impacts of Climate Change for Canada.” The report […]


Celebrating 50 years of Sea King service to Canada

[Thursday, 10 November 2011] There have been few aircraft in Canada’s aviation history that have provided enduring and outstanding service worthy of note more than the Sea King maritime helicopter. […]

VIC class

Comparing nuclear and conventional capabilities*

*Moderator’s Note: This statement originally appeared as part of an exchange between members on the Naval Affairs Discussion of the Naval Association of Canada. It is reprinted here with the […]
