Broadsides Discussion Forum

977 posts

The NSPS shipbuilding strategy: what are the risks?

Ken Hansen’s article “Can the shipbuilding strategy withstand and economic recession?” on 15 October 2011 makes sobering reading.  Unfortunately, the announcement of the two National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy ‘winners’ does […]


Logjams and logistical challenges

On Tuesday, 19 January, Murray Brewster of the Canadian Press filed a report that described the logistical problems confronting the Canadian Forces as they ramped up for Operation Hestia. Quoting […]


Canada’s subs*

*Moderator’s Note: This statement originally appears in The Globe and Mail, Opinions Section – Letters to the Editor, on 10 September 2011. Contrary to what was conveyed in your article […]


Ten Years After 9/11*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was original published in The Nova Scotian on 11 September 2011. At approximately 9:00 am this morning, the United States Consul-General to Halifax will be joined […]


Crisis Time for US Seapower

Moderator’s Note: This article originally appeared on the Information Dissemination website, dated Wednesday, 24 August 2011.  It is especially relevant for Canadian readers because of the projected reductions in the […]


JSS adrift in a strategic black hole*

[*Moderator’s Note: This article appeared originally as part of the ‘Plain Talk’ series in the Fall 2010 issue (Vol. 6, No. 3) of Canadian Naval Review.] Is the announcement of […]

Sikorsky Cyclone

Finally, here they come!

There are now two new Sikorsky CH-148 ‘Cyclone’ maritime helicopters at Shearwater.  (You can read more about the Maritime Helicopter Project here.) The first arrived in May and a number […]


What is doctrine and why is it so important?

Most official definitions talk about doctrine as though it is the bedrock of all things naval. This one comes from the USN’s Naval Doctrine Publication 1 (NDP1) Naval Warfare: “Naval […]


Return of the Royal Canadian Navy?

On 16 August the government of Canada announced its decision to restore the historic names of the three environmental commands of the Canadian Forces; Maritime Command is now the Royal […]


What does transformation mean to the navy?

Rumours have been swirling ever since Lieutenant-General Andrew Leslie submitted his report on transformation to the CDS that there was big trouble brewing.  John Ibbitsen writes in today’s Globe and […]
