
45 posts

AU subs

Submarine Races in Asia

6 November 2018. The news out of Asia is always interesting. But from a naval perspective, it’s particularly interesting. There are multiple states spending huge sums to update their navies, […]

CAN sub

The Case for Canadian Submarines

David Dunlop, 1 October 2018. The characteristics of modern 21st century submarines are: endurance, stealth, freedom of movement and versatility. The best sensor weapon that gives others pause is, without […]


Time to think about submarines?

28 September 2018. There have been many discussions about the missing element in the National Shipbuilding Strategy – i.e., submarines. In the not so distant future, Canada will have to […]

UK nuclear sub

Royal Navy Dreadnought SSBN program

We’ve published several commentaries in recent issues of CNR about the Royal Navy and the United Kingdom’s nuclear deterrent. In particular the commentaries have discussed how it is important to […]


Will Submarines be Obsolete Soon?

Canada is in the early stages of thinking about replacing its submarines. Submarines are not part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, but they are mentioned in the new defence policy. […]

VIC sub

Victoria-class Submarines

In the early 1990s, the acquisition of new conventional submarines, as promised by the Conservative government after the cancellation of the nuclear submarine program in 1989, was believed unattainable. Thus […]

CAN Subs

Canada’s Future Submarines

Canadian submarine interests are extremely relevant, and can be divided into three categories: the defence of Canada and North America; supporting Canadian expeditionary deployments; and supporting Canada’s interest in global […]


Future Submarines for Canada

The National Shipbuilding Strategy does not include submarines but if Canada is to retain a submarine capability, it will soon have to start thinking about replacing the Victoria-class submarines. DND […]


New Australian Submarines

A fascinating and thought-provoking article which leads one to wonder about plans to replace the Victoria-class and whether the French would ever talk to Canada again about submarine procurement. Read […]


North Korea turns its attention to submarines

6 October 2016. Photos taken from satellites (image unavailable) seem to indicate that North Korea is developing a huge submarine that will be capable of launching ballistic missiles.  This would […]

Sub build

The Submarine Tsunami

Defense -aerospace has cited a study by the respected Forecast International group to argue that current building rates indicate that submarines will continue to exist in sizeable numbers (393) for […]
