Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs)/Unmanned Subsurface Vehicles (USSVs)

11 posts

No News is Not Good News

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 8 November 2023 Few days go by without seeing something in naval news sources about uncrewed maritime systems. It’s a rapidly growing field for navies. We’ve […]


Uncrewed Systems and Naval Diplomacy

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 8 February 2023 In 1977 Ken Booth outlined roles for naval forces – what has become known as Booth’s Triangle. This ‘triangle’ illustrates the roles of […]


Recent Chinese Naval Development

By Dan Middlemiss, 4 June 2022 Chinese technology is certain to be watched with interest by many navies, including Canada’s. One development of particular interest is that China recently launched […]


Crewless Shipping Future?

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 13 September 2021 Technology marches inexorably onward. Resistance is futile! Or is it? It’s interesting to see that the President of the US International Longshoremen’s Association […]

UUV echo voyager

More on US Navy Large Unmanned Robotic Systems

Dan Middlemiss, 10 January 2021 The US Congressional Research Service has released an update on the USN’s plans to accelerate the procurement of Large Unmanned Surface and Undersea Vehicles [1]. […]

Robo ship USV

Robo Navy?

Dan Middlemiss, 19 July 2020. Will the Canadian Navy ride the robotic wave of the future? Maybe the future has already arrived. The United States Navy (USN) recently awarded a […]


Drones and the RCN

Major (retired) F. Roy Thomas, MSC, CD, MA (RMC). 13 February 2020. Without anti-drone assets should the RCN become a coastal navy operating under the umbrella of cheaper shore-based anti-drone […]
