Royal Canadian Navy

114 posts

RCN ranks naming

RCN Rank Designation Change Decision

RCN Public Affairs, 28 August 2020. RCN Rank Change Initiative Poll Results & Rank Designation Change Decision Shipmates, Thank you for participating so enthusiastically in our poll seeking your advice […]

RCN in arctic

The Arctic and Canada

Canadians often define themselves as northern people, and think of the North as an integral part of the country. That attitude may be summed up, for example, by the famous […]


The RCN in the Arctic?

At the onset of the Cold War, it became clear that the Arctic was of strategic significance. So, for a brief period, the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) established a presence […]


Workhorses of the Navy

The Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) has 12 Halifax-class frigates, which are split between the East and West Coasts of the country. They were built in the 1990s and joined the […]


Missions and Capabilities of the Navy

The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) is versatile – and will become even more so when the ships included in the National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS) are complete. The fleet of submarines, […]

RCN ops

What Assets does the Canadian Navy Have?

The Royal Canadian Navy is a blue-water navy – it travels around the world to play a number of roles to further Canadian foreign policy goals. It conducts operations, often […]


Looking for Books about Maritime Matters?

Over the last 15 years, Canadian Naval Review has published over 170 book reviews. These books cover a variety of topics but they all relate to maritime matters, history, or […]


What does the navy do?

What does a navy do during peace time? Good question. The work that the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) does illustrates the classic roles of a navy – i.e., undertaking constabulary, […]

Hazmat dress

Pandemics and Navies

Dr. Ann Griffiths, 31 March 2020. You would have to be living in a cave not to have noticed that we’re currently facing a situation that hasn’t been seen since […]

NAC logo

Briefing Notes about Naval Issues

20 January 2020. Quite often, military people end up talking to other military people. They speak the same language and know the same acronyms. It’s just easier to talk to […]


What Future for the Naval Reserves in Canada?*

[*This article was original published in the April 2013 issue of Marine Matters. It is reprinted here with the permission of the publisher, Mr. Aldert van Nieuwkoop.] When partnerships work, […]


Why Canada needs to look to the seas*

*Moderator’s Note: This Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute op-ed appeared in The Globe and Mail on 13 May 2014. It is reprinted here with the permission of CDFAI. Lest we […]
