8 posts

The Demise of the Canadian Surface Fleet

By Jeff G. Gilmour, 27 April 2024 In 2010, with great fanfare, the federal government in Canada announced the National Shipbuilding Strategy (NSS) that was intended to strengthen this country’s […]


AUKUS Awkward?

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 21 March 2023 The announcement of the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) agreement in September 2021 caught a lot of people by surprise. It was a surprise […]


Updating Strong, Secure, Engaged

Dr. Andrea Charron, 8 October 2021 There has been much in the news about the AUKUS submarine deal and the suggestion that Canada was or was not “left” out.  It […]


Changes to Australia’s Submarine Plans

By David Dunlop, 16 September 2021 Australia has now done an about-face and scrapped the 12 boat French DCNS Barracuda Block 1A submarine deal. The French/Naval Group naturally are livid […]
