
32 posts

China’s Military Satellites

By Jeff G. Gilmour, 18 April 2024 Most reconnaissance satellites operate in a low-earth orbit (LEO) at 160-2000k above the earth. However last year China launched the Yaogan-41, which can […]


China in the Arctic

By Jeff G. Gilmour, 10 February 2024 A recent article by Robert Fife and Steven Chase – “China gains major Arctic foothold as Russia turns to Beijing more, report finds” […]


China in Canadian Arctic Waters

By David Dunlop, 28 August 2023 A short article by Rob Huebert was published on the 25th of August in The Globe & Mail that forum members may be interested […]

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The Rise of the Chinese Navy

By Jeff Gilmour, 25 May 2023 In the 19th century in the first Opium War, the British established a technological advantage by employing steam-powered gunboats. The Scottish shipbuilder, John Laird, built […]


China in the Bering Sea

By Dr. Andrea Charron, 21 October 2022 Headlines on 26 September 2022 repeated a US Coast Guard announcement (USCG).  “The Coast Guard Cutter Kimball crew on a routine patrol in […]

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China Builds a Powerful New Navy

By David Dunlop, 22 January 2022 Here is an interesting article recently published by Asian News Institute (ANI) commenting on the speed of the Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) build-up […]

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China’s Military Power

Dan Middlemiss, 04 September 2020. The US Department of Defense has released its annual report to Congress on the military power of the People’s Republic of China.[1] Some highlights from […]

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The United States and China

Mark Sloan, 2 September 2020. The United States and China – DoD Annual Report to Congress Observers regularly provide insight into specific elements of China’s military capabilities, but the 2020 […]


China ‘hawks’ ratchet up the rhetoric

David Lague published an article on 17 January with Reuter’s entitled, “China’s military hawks take the offensive.” Lague notes “the increasingly hawkish rhetoric coming from senior officers in the People’s […]


Finding the right balance is key

I agree with much of Ken Hansen’s analysis.  While we have indeed done badly at maintaining leading edge capabilities after purchase (note, however, exceptions of Halifax-class, CP-140, and CF-18 mid-life […]


“PRC, Please Build Carriers” by Colin Clark*

*Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published on the Strategic Forecasts (STRAFOR) forum on 5 November 2010.  It is reprinted here with the author’s permission. Colin Clark is editor of […]
