defence budget

25 posts

Cuts to Defence Budget

By David Dunlop, 2 October 2023 Here we go again folks! The Canadian government is again asking the Canadian Armed Forces to do its part and find $1B in defence […]


Beefing up Security in the Arctic?

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 7 April 2022 With the brutal war in Ukraine continuing, much attention is understandably focused on Eastern Europe. But Arctic security is now also receiving a […]


Gums and Butter – Way Before Defence

By Procrustes, 30 March 2022 The recently consummated ‘supply-and-confidence’ agreement in Ottawa has now placed any chance of significantly increased defence spending on hold for another three years. The NDP […]

Global Affairs

Budget Fluctuations and Military Capability

An interesting study was just published by Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) by Ross Fetterly. Governments are always tempted to slice bits off various departmental budgets to cut costs. But, […]


Our communities that serve*

* Moderator’s Note: This article was original published in The Nova Scotian on 15 April 2012. Many of you are familiar with my role as the Commander of Naval Forces […]


Crisis Time for US Seapower

Moderator’s Note: This article originally appeared on the Information Dissemination website, dated Wednesday, 24 August 2011.  It is especially relevant for Canadian readers because of the projected reductions in the […]


What does transformation mean to the navy?

Rumours have been swirling ever since Lieutenant-General Andrew Leslie submitted his report on transformation to the CDS that there was big trouble brewing.  John Ibbitsen writes in today’s Globe and […]


Realistic thinking needed from all sides

I was squarely in Eric Lerhe’s court until his last paragraph. I am not as convinced as him that all the hoped for procurements outlined in the current government’s policy – whether […]


Finding the right balance is key

I agree with much of Ken Hansen’s analysis.  While we have indeed done badly at maintaining leading edge capabilities after purchase (note, however, exceptions of Halifax-class, CP-140, and CF-18 mid-life […]


What will become of the naval reserve?

At the Maritime Security Conference this past June, Commodore Mark Norman, then the Atlantic Fleet Commander, gave a very candid dinner address on his views about the future of the […]
