52 posts

Narrowing the field

Word is reaching me that the number of designs under consideration for the AOR-JSS ship is down to only one.  Apparently, the Spanish have been told that their Cantabria-class AOR […]


Celebration, Commitment & Commemoration*

* Moderator’s Note: This article was original published in The Nova Scotian on 13 November 2011. Nova Scotians and Atlantic Canadians have reason to be proud and to celebrate the […]


JSS adrift in a strategic black hole*

[*Moderator’s Note: This article appeared originally as part of the ‘Plain Talk’ series in the Fall 2010 issue (Vol. 6, No. 3) of Canadian Naval Review.] Is the announcement of […]


How much to move, how fast and how far?

Murray Brewster’s article entitled “DND to drop costly cargo ship” in the Thursday, 28 July, issue of The Chronicle Herald reports on the continuing problems with commercial charter arrangements to […]


Can we learn from a missed opportunity?

The Australians purchased the surplus Bay-Class LSD(A) Largs Bay from the UK for $100M AUS dollars this month. News reports suggest the ship will be in service with the Royal […]


Finding the right balance is key

I agree with much of Ken Hansen’s analysis.  While we have indeed done badly at maintaining leading edge capabilities after purchase (note, however, exceptions of Halifax-class, CP-140, and CF-18 mid-life […]


Has Canada Lost the Ability to Design Warships?

[Moderator’s Note.  This commentary was originally published on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 on David Pugliese’s Defence Watch.  It is reproduced here with the permission of Mr. Pugliese.] Long-time Defence Watch […]


RFA Bay-class landing ships worth considering

Two recently posted articles ask if Canada should purchase a surplus Bay-class Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliary) from the UK. The 2010 UK Strategic and Defence Review could result in one […]


Volumetrics and strategic effect

Brian Stewart, formerly Senior Correspondent for CBC’s national news programme “The National” and now Distinguished Senior Fellow with the Munk Centre at the University of Toronto, filed a report on […]


Our navy, Our country

The fall out of the recent federal election, amidst the worldwide economic swirl, opens an opportunity for the Canadian government to invest in Canadian jobs and Canadian technology through Canada’s […]


Shipbuilding and Independence

The unexpected press release announcing the termination of procurement processes for two new types of ships for the Canadian Coast Guard and Navy was no doubt a heavy blow. And […]


AORs are essential and urgently required

The unexpected press release announcing the termination of procurement processes for two new types of ships for the Canadian Coast Guard and navy was no doubt a heavy blow. And […]


Vindication for more visionary naval requirements and procurement programs

The government, national defence, naval priorities and expeditionary requirements have not been well served by explanations for reconsideration of the approved JSS program given the economic importance and operational urgency in replacement of the old fleet supply vessels. These […]


JSS capability gap

I was the communications officer on HMCS Protecteur when she was deployed to East Timor in 1999. While we did yeoman work supporting forces ashore with fuel, stores and an […]
