Mexeflote Rafts

5 posts

Mexeflote Raft

Mexeflotes in Manitoba

“Third Base: The Case for CFB Churchill” is an intriguing and timely article written by Jose Assis Giammaria in the latest issue of CNR (Volume 15, No. 1). If the […]


Use of Mexeflote Rafts?

27 November 2018. ABCO Industries of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, is building a 12 metre landing craft for each of the six AOPS — a landing craft to provide a ship-to-shore […]

USS Cole damage

AORs in the Age of Distributed Lethality

30 March 2017. An article written by Christopher Cedros, a surface warfare office with the US Navy, sparked my earlier comment on repair containers and mexeflotes. The article is “Distributed […]


Mexeflote for Interim AOR – and Elsewhere

22 March 2017. “Mexeflote for Interim AOR” was the title of an article posted on Broadsides last September. The article proposed the interim AOR be equipped with a mexeflote-powered raft […]


Mexeflote for Interim AOR

12 Sept. 2016. Over the summer, Chantier Davie Shipyard invited suppliers to present disaster-relief equipment available for the ship. Refueling and resupply of warships at sea are the main roles […]
