30 posts

Sweden, SAAB, and Defence

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 24 May 2024 In April I was invited by SAAB to visit Sweden to meet with company representatives and tour their naval facilities – at their […]

HMCS CHA at NATO ex 2024

HMCS Charlottetown returns from NATO exercise

RCN Public Affairs, 29 March 2024. After 37 days at sea for Exercise Steadfast Defender, His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown returned home March 13. Since departing their homeport of Halifax […]


Canada’s Free Riding on NATO

By David Dunlop, 14 August 2023 Here is an article by Brian Lee Crowley, Managing Director of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute an independent public policy think-tank in Ottawa, and published on […]


Participaction, Sweden and the CAF?

By Moderator, 12 September 2022 Canadians of a certain age will remember tv commercials for Participaction, a government program formed to encourage Canadians to exercise more. The commercials involved an […]


Gums and Butter – Way Before Defence

By Procrustes, 30 March 2022 The recently consummated ‘supply-and-confidence’ agreement in Ottawa has now placed any chance of significantly increased defence spending on hold for another three years. The NDP […]


The Real Peril in the Arctic

Dr. Ann Griffiths, 30 September 2020. There’s an interesting article in Foreign Affairs (29 September 2020) by Robert David English and Morgan Grant Gardner called “Phantom Peril in the Arctic: […]


Defence Spending after NATO Summit

13 July. David Dunlop. Now that the 2018 NATO Summit has apparently passed a referendum to have all NATO countries contribute as a minimum at least 2% GDP to defence, […]


Maritime Blindness*

*Editor’s Note: This is an abridged version of an article originally published in the NATO magazine, Cutting the Bow Wave 2013, which has just been released. Consumers and their governments […]


Expeditionary Operations: Is Syria next?

Word is reaching me that two Canadian infantry battalions, 3rd Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry Regiment and 3rd Royal Canadian Regiment, have received ‘warning orders’ to prepare for operations and possible […]


More misguided efforts

On 23 March, Jeremy Binnie, Jane’s Defence Weekly Middle East/Africa Editor in London, reported that the EU had expanded the area of operations for the EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) counter-piracy […]


HMCS Charlottetown and the Battle of Misrata*

* Moderator’s Note: This article was originally published in the Halifax Chronicle-Herald on 03 September 2011. It is reprinted here with the permission of the author. Canada’s navy may be […]
