
35 posts

SAAB, Subs and Timelines

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 12 June 2024 This is a second installment about my trip – sponsored by SAAB – to Sweden in May. In my previous post I discussed […]


Sweden, SAAB, and Defence

By Dr. Ann Griffiths, 24 May 2024 In April I was invited by SAAB to visit Sweden to meet with company representatives and tour their naval facilities – at their […]


Talking About Submarines

By David Dunlop, 7 July 2023 On 15 June, the Canadian Global Affairs Institute (CGAI) hosted one-day hybrid conference “Canadian ASW in the Future Strategic Environment.” There are several articles […]


A Secure and Sovereign Arctic

By Blair Shaw, 2 May 2023 The House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence issued a report in April entitled “A Secure and Sovereign Arctic.” The report gives an […]


New Submarines for Canada?

By Dan Middlemiss, 9 April 2023 David Pugliese has revealed that the RCN is pushing for up to 12 new submarines for the Canadian Navy at an estimated cost of […]


Changes to Australia’s Submarine Plans

By David Dunlop, 16 September 2021 Australia has now done an about-face and scrapped the 12 boat French DCNS Barracuda Block 1A submarine deal. The French/Naval Group naturally are livid […]


Will Submarines be Obsolete Soon?

Canada is in the early stages of thinking about replacing its submarines. Submarines are not part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, but they are mentioned in the new defence policy. […]

VIC sub

Victoria-class Submarines

In the early 1990s, the acquisition of new conventional submarines, as promised by the Conservative government after the cancellation of the nuclear submarine program in 1989, was believed unattainable. Thus […]


New Australian Submarines

A fascinating and thought-provoking article which leads one to wonder about plans to replace the Victoria-class and whether the French would ever talk to Canada again about submarine procurement. Read […]
