Type 26 Frigates

8 posts

The Curious Case of Alion

Procrustes, 30 May 2020. Here is a brief background of the Alion complaint. Alion was one of the 12 pre-qualified Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) bidders, and one of the three […]

Old HMCS Ottawa

Naming the New Frigates

13 July 2018. David Dunlop. Don’t know if the Type 26 Frigate will win the bidding process after the ‘curing’ process on July 21, but if the LM/BAE Type 26 […]

AU Type 26

Australia Selects BAE’s Type 26: Implications for Canada

3 July 2018.  On 29 June 2018 the Australian government announced [https://www.minister.defence.gov.au/minister/christopher-pyne/media-releases/joint-media-release-prime-minister-minister-defence-2] that it had selected a variant of BAE’s Type 26 frigate for the Royal Australian Navy. The 9-ship […]

AU ship design option

Australia’s Frigate Design Decision

Canada is currently going through the difficult process of deciding which of the bids for the Canadian Surface Combatant to accept. Canada is looking at three design proposals – Spain/Navantia […]

Type 26 frigate

New RN Type 26 Frigates

The British government announced that the first of the Royal Navy’s Type 26 frigates will be laid down within the month after an order was placed and contract signed with […]
